So what then is my post about? Well it is quite simply about sides. Sides in a battle that I know will tread on a few, or more than a few, toes. Which battle is that? Specifically the battle between evolution and creation, more broad it is the battle between God and man. It is an age old conflict and this is why I know it will step on a few toes because for anyone who reads it there will most certainly be those who disagree with me. Oh well, such is life, at least in this world.
I am sitting at work right now and I just read an article about a science teacher in Chicago who was recently reprimanded for mentioning creationism in his science class. The case was brought up by an atheist who said that it is wrong to teach creation in the science classroom as well as against the law. Now I will not get into specifics I will just say he was told not to do it again and it was dropped. But why even the issue? First of all it is not illegal to teach creation in the classroom but is often brought up as a quick easy out because many people do not know that it is not illegal and most people do not want to be guilty of breaking the law.
My point is this. In this battle there are only two sides. For God, or for man. Right now is when some will say "what do you mean, either we must accept creation or evolution?" First of all I did not say it. I have heard it said. Secondly I would first ask that one carefully searches his beliefs and see just what path they will lead him on, or what would the conclusion be. For example, if one subscribes to special creation by God in six literal days as it records in Genesis where does it force one to either re-interpret scripture, contradict scripture, or change scripture from say a historical account to a metaphorical one? Theologically it is sound as this is just a literal reading of the Genesis account of creation.
Now if one were to subscribe to evolution then one must decide first of all to be either a humanist and accept evolutionary theory in its entirety which says there was no God and it all happened by chance random processes, or one must make some kind of compromise to try to harmonize the bible with the theory. For example, to say that millions of years were used by God to come to a complete creation over all that time one must accept that death was a natural part of all that time and therefore death was around before sin as this was before Adam but even Adam must be seen as not an actual person but rather a representation of man in general. If that is true then one must also accept that when the scriptures tell us that Jesus died to conquer death one must ask why if death was a natural part of God's original design for life from the beginning of the ages.
You see I am a creationist. I believe that there is supporting evidence for it and that it makes the most sense theologically with the very foundational beliefs of our scriptures as Christians. Evolution however, in its very basics, is trying to explain the world without God. To say God did it does not give credibility to God's character. To say he allowed death before sin, went on to say it was good, and then came to save us from death just makes no sense. No, evolution is not compatible with the bible.
But here is where I would draw attention to the opposing side of creationism. In this battle of the school teacher who was the one who brought it up? Was it a christian parent upset that his kid's teacher was teaching creation? No, it was an atheist! Here is how I look at it. If I was to hold that some form of evolution was possible and that God used it and that if I interpret the scriptures a certain way to make it harmonize so that everything fits so I can have my faith and my science then is everything okay?
Well ask yourself this. When it comes down to it who are those pushing to make creationism illegal in the classroom? Who are the loudest proponents for evolution? What do die hard evolutionists say about creationism? "Some sky fairy said poof and then everything magically appeared." Quoted from discussion boards on the very same news feed of the teacher being reprimanded. If my belief is just a combination of faith with the world's science am I on the right side? If some one would have called the God of the universe a sky fairy I am sure David would have said to us the same thing he said to the Israelites, "who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?"
We may not have all the answers to give for everything we see around us, although neither do the evolutionists, but does that mean the answers are not there? On the same discussion board an atheist gave an example as to why there isn't a God. If your house is your world and you are looking in your house for your keys and do not find them then they don't exist. That is the abridged version of his statement but the general idea. He adds more in where you look and so on but his conclusion is the same. He then says that if you look for God and he cannot be found then he therefore does not exist. Well let me ask him a question. Does your house have a window? Could you have dropped your keys out the window and therefore they exist but outside of your world? Could God exist outside of your world? Or maybe as Indiana Jones and his friend Sala says of the Nazis in Raiders of the Lost Ark. "They're digging in the wrong place!" Maybe they are looking for a god of they're own imaginings and since they cannot find him then he doesn't exist. God says quite clearly in the bible that the invisible attributes of Him are clearly seen ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. Romans 1:20.
Does all this mean I am right and others are wrong? As I do not know all ends I can not say yes and I can not judge others motives behind their beliefs, all I can do is look at the world around me and use scripture to interpret it. I believe that I am right. I know God exists else my faith would be a blind faith. And if I know God exists then is it possible that he created the world in six very literal days, well why not? If He is an all powerful God could He not have done it all in an instant? Six days has a meaning and a purpose for us, our work week. Ages of time has no meaning or purpose, it is only necessary for evolution to be plausible. Take a serious look at more than just the so called "scientific evidence" to see where you stand. Is more being compromised than just the start of a book? If the interpretation of the evidence disagrees with the foundation of scripture then which should be thrown out, scripture, or the interpretation of the evidence? And is there another possible interpretation of the same evidence that agrees with scripture?
God Bless you in your journey.