Greetings to you all. We hope you find some interesting bit of news of our family and what we are up to. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Something new...

 Greetings to the few who follow this blog. I wanted to share a quick update for you and anyone else who happens on here to pass along. I have started a series of sermons on Youtube taking a look at the Bible through a wider view lens, a bigger picture if you will, of God and his interaction with mankind. It is not a series of sermons to delve deep into passages and their deep theological import, no. They are meant to show God's working through history, and looking at the Bible for its interconnectedness and continuousness. Many would say that the Bible is a loose collection of stories and that it is disjointed, these sermons are meant to show that the Bible is a whole and one continuous story of God. So please click on the link and pass it on to others as well. Thanks and God bless.

Here is the link: 

Thursday, June 4, 2020

2020, Still the Year of our Lord

It is now June and half of our year has slipped us by. And what a year it has been. It has seen the ridiculous circus proceedings to try and remove a sitting president for no other reason than dislike of his person, it has seen a global pandemic that has taken the lives of thousands and destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands, and now, it is playing witness to the chaos and destruction of those who would want to benefit from the wrongful death of a man in police custody. Yes, it has been a turbulent year to say the least.

Now I am not going to dig deeply here into the political realm of debate. I know where I stand on the issues and I know my opinions are not what many would agree with. But that was never the point of this blog. I will however warn that I am also not going to play the game of political correctness as the term itself holds little meaning to me since I find it a lame and weak crutch for too many people who would use it as a club to beat the masses into submission. No I will speak my mind only, and I hope that the words coming out from my mind will in some small way resemble the thoughts of God as I try to lead, as the prophets of old, the people back to God.

So what then am I saying and why am I writing? For this reason, to dispel fear, and bring peace. This is a fearful time for many. Everywhere you go people are wearing masks to protect against an unseen enemy, Covid-19. The dreaded bug from China that has made a full circle around the world leaving death in its wake. Was it grown in a lab, is it a biological weapon? Or, is it a judgement from God on a world that is nearing it's end? At this point does it really matter? If it was not this virus mankind, as always, would have found new ways to kill themselves. If not this this virus abortion was doing just fine in killing off the next generation for the last 30+ years! 50 million and counting!

But this virus we can't sweep under a rug, or toss in a back alley dumpster, so we live in fear, and face masks. But our hatred is always stronger. Our president speaks his mind. He may even at times be an idiot, but then again most of government these days are run as if it was a three stooges rerun. The problem is trying to determine who is Larry, who is Moe, and who is Curly. But for what its worth before this year is over we could either have a loud obnoxious but straightforward  business man, or a man who likes to forget what country he lives in almost as much as he likes to stick his foot in his mouth.

And in the background to all of this is the age old excuse for violence, the race card. "I am black, so I am oppressed! Let me go burn down an Arby's." Never mind the guy who died a totally wrong and unavoidable death to bring you this excuse for a riot. While we're at it lets blame the cops that everyone could sit back in fear and video tape but not lift a finger to stop. But I guess that is what we are good at these days, hiding in bushes to video tape wrong doers so we can start race wars. In case my sarcasm is not obvious then let me spell it out for you, that was sarcasm. We are a nation of idiots. But more importantly, we are a nation of fools who have missed the true calling of what children of God can become.

All around us lay the seeds of what we could be if we weren't so busy giving credit to nature, and the unseen force of naturalism, or humanism, instead of giving the credit to God, our creator and savior. Evolution divides us, creates racism, evokes fear of death and the end of life as a meaningless endeavor to nothingness. So we riot, loot, and burn down fast food chains that "have the meats!" We mud sling and tell lies in the hopes of pushing out of power so that we can obtain power. We literally become the very animals we claim to have evolved from. Watch national geographic and then flip over to the news, you will see the similarities. But God brings life, hope that something greater lies beyond this existence. He claims in his word that we are all ONE race, the HUMAN race. There is nothing that divides us. And when we kill each other, we are killing a part of ourselves as we are all related under one man, Adam.

But to acknowledge this then is to also acknowledge that we are all responsible for our own actions, that every man is responsible for his own stupidity and therefore none are above. Yes, the black man who died has died wrongfully,  he was a sinner who would be judged for his sin before God. And yes, the white cop was a lawman who was still guilty of his sin of hatred before God and will also stand before God and be judged. The difference? God does not look at the skin color, the wealth or station of the man, but he looks on the heart. The heart of the man is what will judge him.

So what can we take away from all this craziness? Is there any hope? Yes, with thunderous shouts of glory! Our God still reigns and sits on his throne. Presidents are raised and brought down by his hands, viruses are nothing to his healing touch, and riots, well he has seen it all and he is not afraid. It is therefore never too late. As long as we draw breath we can turn back to him, repent of our sins, and be healed of our hatred and death sentence. What greater hope could there possibly be. "If we confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus, and believe in our hearts that God has raised him from the dead, then we can be saved." Not saved from poverty, or racially driven police brutality or dog walking park videos, but saved from our selves, our own hatred and divisiveness. Saved from the eternal judgment that awaits us should we not repent. I know where I am going, do you?