Greetings to you all. We hope you find some interesting bit of news of our family and what we are up to. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Going on a mission trip...finally

Hello to one and all.  My it has been a long time since I have put anything up on this blog, and for that I am sorry.  But to be completely honest it has been a long time since we have had anything worth really sharing on here.  Well to day is the day to change that.  I wanted to let everyone know of a soon approaching mission trip that Lia and myself will be taking.  Coming up at the end of July for one week we will be heading to Cleveland with a team from our church here in PA to work with a Christian, Missionary, and Alliance team called Envision.  They are working in many different ways there but one of the things they do is work closely with the Syrian refugees as Cleveland has one of the largest populations of Syrians.  We are not yet sure what all we will be doing but we have also been collecting a bunch of Arabic Bibles to hand out while we are there.  The problem we are facing now is money.  We need to raise about another 1000 dollars to go on this trip.  Some of that is for us, and some will go to help some of our team.  We have a few guys from the youth group I have been leading for the past three years going and they may need some help fundraising.  Here is a link to GoFundMe where we are trying to do the fundraising through.  Our goal is 1,000 dollars but there are nine people going and I am sure they could all use some help as we are fast approaching a deadline to have the money in to Envision.  We would appreciate you help in whatever way that is either financial or through prayers.  May God bless you all and stay tuned for future updates leading up to and after the mission trip.  Thanks again and God bless.