Howdy everyone. We hope you are all well and that your new year has gotten off to a good start. Anyways, for those of you who may not know or maybe you have tried to visit us in Albuquerque and found us not in, well that is because we are actually out. Way out to be exact. We have moved from New Mexico to a little town in the center of Pennsylvania called Jersey Shore. NO! Not the show Jersey Shore, Snooki does not live here. Thankfully. We have moved back east for a number of different reasons but one of them is so that we can use this as a stepping stone of sorts to try and reach our goal of moving back to the mission field.
As you all know we are trying to move to Scotland to work under YWAM with young backpackers in the country and share with them the love of Jesus. We have had this vision for many years but could not pursue it until we had left Sudan. For the last three years we have been in America we have been trying to raise the funds we need to move, but without success. We are hopping to move this year within a June/August time frame. Our dilemma is this. To process our missionary visas for the UK we need about three months, which would put us somewhere between February/April to know if we have raised the funds necessary for us to go. This is what we have been aiming for for the past three years, unfortunately without much success.
We are still trying to raise support but we do not have much longer before we reach our dead line. We would appreciate your continued prayers and we would greatly appreciate if you prayed about possibly supporting us. We know that for some this may be a very short time to try and make a decision, but we would ask that you pray about it all the same. The reason for a deadline is this, we do not want or believe that it is right to continue raising support for an indefinite period of time. During these past three years we have been in a sort of unstable waiting period to see where God was going to take us. That instability has taken it's toll on our family. We have prayed much about this and decided that should we not have our support by this deadline then we would be putting our vision on hold and settle down for the sake of our family. This is why we ask you to pray about supporting this ministry.
This vision has been on our hearts for many years now and we would hate to see it come to an end. The YWAM base in Scotland supports this vision and have already phoned us to let us know how excited they are to see us come over and join them. We believe this is where God is calling us. We believe that God has placed this vision on our hearts. Please pray with us and let us see what God has in store together. Thank you all so much and God Bless.