Greetings to you all. We hope you find some interesting bit of news of our family and what we are up to. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
5 plus 1 equals 6
Yep, you guessed it. This is the first picture of our new baby boy/girl. We don't know yet what it is but there is a very clear face and ear and belly. We just wanted to share it with everyone. Please be praying for us during this time and for this new little miracle of life. Thank you all so much and God bless you all.
The very excited Bierlys, especially the daddy.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
School, Work, and other activities
Greetings to all of those who like to keep up with the Bierlys. It has been a busy year since it's start and it looks as if it is going to be a busy year altogether. Where to begin...
So for those who don't already know we started this year off with a move to Pennsylvania. But I will not dwell on that as it is old news. Long story short we have settled in and are trying to etch out a place for us as it looks like the place where we will be for the foreseeable future.
Well with the start of the summer we have had a few new beginnings as well. First has been trying to figure out what needs to be done for William to prepare him for First grade. The idea is to have him reading and writing and practicing his math through the summer. So far this has sorta worked. We even joined a summer reading program at the Jersey Shore Library to help with this. The other night we went to one of their activities and saw a fun magic show.
Josue and Gabby are more or less just continuing in their regular routine of play, bug, nag, annoy, and basically just fill the shoes of any other regular 4 and 3 year old. One big step however has been the rather successful potty training of Gabby. He still has occasional accidents but on the whole he has done very well.
Lia is busy getting books and supplies ready for William to start first grade and still carries out her Pampered Chef parties so if you know of anyone who wants to buy good quality cook wear then Lia is the lady to call. The rest of the week she has her hands full trying to find stuff for the boys to do, or stuff to tie up the boys when they get into stuff they shouldn't do. She is an amazing mother to keep up with these little Tarzans. Here Nate thought one of him was bad enough, but three!
Nate on the other hand is having some of the bigger changes. He still works for the post office but because of not working as much as he would like he has had to look for another job. Back in April he finally heard back from the hospital in Williamsport and is now finishing up his orientee training working as an EMT with their pre-hospital service. It is a lot different than Living Cross in Los Lunas. But if two jobs were not enough he is also going back to school! That's right, classes start in august. He is going back to Moody Bible Institute (online) for his bachelor's degree in ministry leadership. Thanks to previous schooling he has done he is able to knock a whole year off of the degree program with transferred credits. He is very excited.
And to top it all off Lia and Nate are going to be the volunteer Youth leaders in the church here. It is a very small youth group but still needs someone. We are both very ready and excited to jump back into ministry and this just fell into our lap. It was really an answer to prayer. Please keep us in your prayers as we juggle all these activities that we might still make the time we need for God, and also for each other. We hope that all of you out there are doing well and that God is keeping you along this journey. God bless you all.
So for those who don't already know we started this year off with a move to Pennsylvania. But I will not dwell on that as it is old news. Long story short we have settled in and are trying to etch out a place for us as it looks like the place where we will be for the foreseeable future.
Well with the start of the summer we have had a few new beginnings as well. First has been trying to figure out what needs to be done for William to prepare him for First grade. The idea is to have him reading and writing and practicing his math through the summer. So far this has sorta worked. We even joined a summer reading program at the Jersey Shore Library to help with this. The other night we went to one of their activities and saw a fun magic show.
Josue and Gabby are more or less just continuing in their regular routine of play, bug, nag, annoy, and basically just fill the shoes of any other regular 4 and 3 year old. One big step however has been the rather successful potty training of Gabby. He still has occasional accidents but on the whole he has done very well.
Lia is busy getting books and supplies ready for William to start first grade and still carries out her Pampered Chef parties so if you know of anyone who wants to buy good quality cook wear then Lia is the lady to call. The rest of the week she has her hands full trying to find stuff for the boys to do, or stuff to tie up the boys when they get into stuff they shouldn't do. She is an amazing mother to keep up with these little Tarzans. Here Nate thought one of him was bad enough, but three!
Nate on the other hand is having some of the bigger changes. He still works for the post office but because of not working as much as he would like he has had to look for another job. Back in April he finally heard back from the hospital in Williamsport and is now finishing up his orientee training working as an EMT with their pre-hospital service. It is a lot different than Living Cross in Los Lunas. But if two jobs were not enough he is also going back to school! That's right, classes start in august. He is going back to Moody Bible Institute (online) for his bachelor's degree in ministry leadership. Thanks to previous schooling he has done he is able to knock a whole year off of the degree program with transferred credits. He is very excited.
And to top it all off Lia and Nate are going to be the volunteer Youth leaders in the church here. It is a very small youth group but still needs someone. We are both very ready and excited to jump back into ministry and this just fell into our lap. It was really an answer to prayer. Please keep us in your prayers as we juggle all these activities that we might still make the time we need for God, and also for each other. We hope that all of you out there are doing well and that God is keeping you along this journey. God bless you all.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Fossil Hunting
We spent around three hours looking and found nothing. Then right before we left we broke open a rock and found this amazing tree branch. and we just kept finding more pieces of it all around the rock. It was exciting. Of course the two older boys enjoyed using my hammers to just pound big rocks into smaller rocks, and Gabby's idea of fossil hunting was to throw rocks into a puddle. He had fun though, and got good and muddy in the process.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Life is precious. Being made in the image of our loving and amazing GOD makes it so. But everyday more life is snuffed out, sometimes sooner than we think it should. 15 dead in a Texas explosion, 3 dead in the Boston marathon bombings, 7 dead at the hands of a lunatic abortion doctor now on trial for murder, and the number continues to rise. Will our legislative governing body really be able to stop such insanity by controlling our morality?
Let me ask you all what is sin? Is there an absolute truth to the universe we live in and if there is, is there an absolute right and wrong? If there is no absolute right or wrong then there is no absolute truth to the universe in which we live, if there is no absolute truth to the universe then there is no such thing as sin. Evil is evil only because there is good to oppose it. How can you have Darth Vader without Luke Skywalker to oppose him?
We use Newtown as a battle cry, sort of like a "remember the Alamo" kind of thing. "Remember Newtown, and ban our guns". We plaster the eight year old boy from Boston all over the paper to rally others to our cause, and everyday we turn a blind eye to the thousands of unborn, partial born, or accidentally completely born HUMAN babies that are brutally MURDERED all for the sake of convenience. And don't anybody feed the excuse of rape, incest, or threat to the mother crap. several years ago Everet Koop former surgeon general made it perfectly clear when he said that over 90% of all abortions are performed on a matter of convenience. Over 90%, and yet we have "interfaith" (whatever that means) prayer gatherings to pray (to whose god?) for solace and comfort in this time of chaos and sadness. And meanwhile homosexuals all across the country are fighting for their right to live in "legalized sin" in open defiance of a God they don't even believe in. Meanwhile in a small west Texas town dozens of people are still buried under ruble from an explosion but not everyone is involved in search and rescue. The police are actually doing their job in trying to stop looters! People are hurt and dying and all the sick and insane can do is steal from them.
Father God, please forgive us if you can, or should I say, if we even want you to.
Let me ask you all what is sin? Is there an absolute truth to the universe we live in and if there is, is there an absolute right and wrong? If there is no absolute right or wrong then there is no absolute truth to the universe in which we live, if there is no absolute truth to the universe then there is no such thing as sin. Evil is evil only because there is good to oppose it. How can you have Darth Vader without Luke Skywalker to oppose him?
We use Newtown as a battle cry, sort of like a "remember the Alamo" kind of thing. "Remember Newtown, and ban our guns". We plaster the eight year old boy from Boston all over the paper to rally others to our cause, and everyday we turn a blind eye to the thousands of unborn, partial born, or accidentally completely born HUMAN babies that are brutally MURDERED all for the sake of convenience. And don't anybody feed the excuse of rape, incest, or threat to the mother crap. several years ago Everet Koop former surgeon general made it perfectly clear when he said that over 90% of all abortions are performed on a matter of convenience. Over 90%, and yet we have "interfaith" (whatever that means) prayer gatherings to pray (to whose god?) for solace and comfort in this time of chaos and sadness. And meanwhile homosexuals all across the country are fighting for their right to live in "legalized sin" in open defiance of a God they don't even believe in. Meanwhile in a small west Texas town dozens of people are still buried under ruble from an explosion but not everyone is involved in search and rescue. The police are actually doing their job in trying to stop looters! People are hurt and dying and all the sick and insane can do is steal from them.
Father God, please forgive us if you can, or should I say, if we even want you to.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Our Decision
Dear friends and readers of our blog. We want to thank all of you for praying for us and keeping us in your thoughts during this time of fundraising and mission planning. It has been a challenging time and through the past three plus years we have learned alot about God's leading and guidance and alot about ourselves. There is no harder thing and yet no greater thing than to be lead and taught by our Creator, Brother, and King. Over the past three years we believed that God had called us to go to the backpacker peoples. To this calling we still believe on day God will take us as we firmly stand on our belief that God has called us to this mission.
However, we have also come to realize that now may not be His time. During this past year the fund raising we have been doing has not raised enough support for our living in the UK. So with heavy and yet expectant hearts we have decided to call off our mission and leave it now in our Father's hands while we see where He wants us to be now, or as a very wise friend full of years of life experience once told me, we have decided for now to "bloom where we are planted." Please keep us in your prayers as we seek our next steps and we look forward to keeping in touch with you all. God Bless you.
Sincerely, The Bierlys
However, we have also come to realize that now may not be His time. During this past year the fund raising we have been doing has not raised enough support for our living in the UK. So with heavy and yet expectant hearts we have decided to call off our mission and leave it now in our Father's hands while we see where He wants us to be now, or as a very wise friend full of years of life experience once told me, we have decided for now to "bloom where we are planted." Please keep us in your prayers as we seek our next steps and we look forward to keeping in touch with you all. God Bless you.
Sincerely, The Bierlys
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Moved we have..
Howdy everyone. We hope you are all well and that your new year has gotten off to a good start. Anyways, for those of you who may not know or maybe you have tried to visit us in Albuquerque and found us not in, well that is because we are actually out. Way out to be exact. We have moved from New Mexico to a little town in the center of Pennsylvania called Jersey Shore. NO! Not the show Jersey Shore, Snooki does not live here. Thankfully. We have moved back east for a number of different reasons but one of them is so that we can use this as a stepping stone of sorts to try and reach our goal of moving back to the mission field.
As you all know we are trying to move to Scotland to work under YWAM with young backpackers in the country and share with them the love of Jesus. We have had this vision for many years but could not pursue it until we had left Sudan. For the last three years we have been in America we have been trying to raise the funds we need to move, but without success. We are hopping to move this year within a June/August time frame. Our dilemma is this. To process our missionary visas for the UK we need about three months, which would put us somewhere between February/April to know if we have raised the funds necessary for us to go. This is what we have been aiming for for the past three years, unfortunately without much success.
We are still trying to raise support but we do not have much longer before we reach our dead line. We would appreciate your continued prayers and we would greatly appreciate if you prayed about possibly supporting us. We know that for some this may be a very short time to try and make a decision, but we would ask that you pray about it all the same. The reason for a deadline is this, we do not want or believe that it is right to continue raising support for an indefinite period of time. During these past three years we have been in a sort of unstable waiting period to see where God was going to take us. That instability has taken it's toll on our family. We have prayed much about this and decided that should we not have our support by this deadline then we would be putting our vision on hold and settle down for the sake of our family. This is why we ask you to pray about supporting this ministry.
This vision has been on our hearts for many years now and we would hate to see it come to an end. The YWAM base in Scotland supports this vision and have already phoned us to let us know how excited they are to see us come over and join them. We believe this is where God is calling us. We believe that God has placed this vision on our hearts. Please pray with us and let us see what God has in store together. Thank you all so much and God Bless.
As you all know we are trying to move to Scotland to work under YWAM with young backpackers in the country and share with them the love of Jesus. We have had this vision for many years but could not pursue it until we had left Sudan. For the last three years we have been in America we have been trying to raise the funds we need to move, but without success. We are hopping to move this year within a June/August time frame. Our dilemma is this. To process our missionary visas for the UK we need about three months, which would put us somewhere between February/April to know if we have raised the funds necessary for us to go. This is what we have been aiming for for the past three years, unfortunately without much success.
We are still trying to raise support but we do not have much longer before we reach our dead line. We would appreciate your continued prayers and we would greatly appreciate if you prayed about possibly supporting us. We know that for some this may be a very short time to try and make a decision, but we would ask that you pray about it all the same. The reason for a deadline is this, we do not want or believe that it is right to continue raising support for an indefinite period of time. During these past three years we have been in a sort of unstable waiting period to see where God was going to take us. That instability has taken it's toll on our family. We have prayed much about this and decided that should we not have our support by this deadline then we would be putting our vision on hold and settle down for the sake of our family. This is why we ask you to pray about supporting this ministry.
This vision has been on our hearts for many years now and we would hate to see it come to an end. The YWAM base in Scotland supports this vision and have already phoned us to let us know how excited they are to see us come over and join them. We believe this is where God is calling us. We believe that God has placed this vision on our hearts. Please pray with us and let us see what God has in store together. Thank you all so much and God Bless.
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