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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Dichotomy between the “Flesh” and the “Spirit”

Once upon a time,
I knew no sin,
Did what I wanted,
Lived as a heathen.
Then came a law,
I knew nothing about,
But under these rules,
Of my deeds I had doubt.
This law brought new peace,
Order, structure, and tokens,
And one dire consequence,
If just one code was broken.
However there’s hope,
For the law/death trapped soul,
His name is Yeshua,
And he came with one goal.
Sadly he died,
After teaching me life,
But from death he did rise,
To make me his bride.
Being baptized with Christ,
Makes me dead to this law,
Now I walk in the Spirit,
Not my flesh where I fall.
But who is this Spirit,
With whom I traverse,
This roadway of life,
With my flesh so perverse?
It is the Spirit of God,
Dwelling inside me,
Bringing a new law,
For me fulfilling.
He prays when I can’t,
Putting to death my foul deeds,
So that closer I draw,
To the God I now need.
Now justified by faith,
In Christ my true King,
A slave to his love,
And I am happy indeed.
Seeing Christ on a tree,
In a worshipful vision,
Knowing now the full price,
Of my sin and transgression,
I have decided to walk,
Alive in this Spirit,
For there is nothing else,
That truly comes near it.
So with a loud voice,
I praise and I holler,
To my Savior and Lord,
I cry “Abba Father.”

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