Thursday, December 1, 2011
We still have the vision...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
A new book
If anyo

Here is a small piece of the book taken from Chapter two, What Defines our Life?:
What about madness? Was Jesus crazy? Again how could a mad man deceive so many people into thinking He knew what He was talking about? If you have ever met a mad person you would know there is no chance of Jesus teaching the crowds the Bible says He taught without being found out. I have seen many mad people in Africa as a missionary and I can tell you there is no way to hide such mental instability. And again, the ones who say that Jesus was not God but a good moral teacher are basically saying that a mad man is a good moral teacher. Wow, what a claim, a mad man as a moral teacher. That would be like saying that we could look to someone like the Joker as a good source of morals. Jesus has truly deceived many if He was indeed mad.
We hope that you will spread the word and even buy a copy for yourself as it will help us in our fund-raising for Scotland. We do recieve a higher royalty if purchased from the web address above than if it is purchased through Amazon so we recomend buying from there. The price is for 15.00 plus the shipping. It is a made to order so the printing is done when the order is placed.
We hope you all enjoy it as it is very close to our hearts. Thank you all again for all of your prayers during the last couple years we have been in the states. God Bless you all and again, Thank You.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Freedom from what and for what?

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Houses, Highlands, and moving...

Thursday, May 26, 2011
Finally going....well, sorta
As some of you may already know we have been a little short on the amount of monthly support we need to begin our visa process for some time now. Well that hasn't changed. But with the summer comes new hope and promise. We have lined up some speaking arraignments and are hoping to get under way in July. So to prepare for this as well as to prepare for what lies ahead I, Nate, am making a trip to Scotland this June for a week long trip to scout out the land so to speak. I will mainly be visiting the YWAM base where we will be moving to first but if time and money allows I will also head north to the town of Oban which is where we want to move to for the backpacking mission we plan to start. If I make it I plan to be looking at houses on the market there to see what is available and what is the cost like.
I would appreciate as many prayers as I can get as I will be traveling alone and working to try to get as much information as I can from the YWAM leadership. Thank you all for your prayers during this time. God Bless you all and please be watching for some more news soon in the future.
Monday, May 2, 2011
"Feelings...nothing more than feelings.."
Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. It seems as if this was written to show us not that God alone can look into the heart of a man, but rather that only God LOOKS on the heart of a man. How many of us wear masks every day trying to hide what is inside, and how many more of us would rather just look at the "outward appearance" rather than the heart of our friends or family? After all we have so much more important things to do than to show concern for another, and who really wants to get tied up in a deep heartfelt conversation with someone when our couch and TV are waiting for us at home. Some of us may have a bit better excuse like our children are running amok and must be leashed so I don't have time right now, but when our children are grown will they see the need to love and listen or will they mirror what they see?
Having said all this and knowing that we must start somewhere I want to share a bit of my heart with you. Read it or not is none of my concern, only that I have spoken it out. All masks must come off. After all what is the point of being in a family, the family of Christ, if we are never to know each other? I have shared some of my heart's pain with you all before in an earlier post titled, "Remembering...the pain." In that post I shared a number of things that have pained my heart for quite some time now, but this will be different, I hope. This I hope will shed some light on a life's desire. A life's goal to serve the Lord. It may be a bit long but such matters of the heart often are.
When I graduated from high school I was going to follow my dream of becoming a marine biologist and work with marine life maybe someplace like sea world. But God had other plans. Maybe if you have ever read stories of some of the famous missionaries of the past their calling would sound similar. They had a dream and then in a single instant God grabbed them and changed their life. This was me. I read a story about a boy in Sudan and knew that God was calling me to Sudan. After a long road of a few years of this and that I finally found myself on a plane bound for Africa. It was an adventure that lasted for six years and caused me to grow in unimaginable ways. It also cost me my carefree bachelor lifestyle. And I would not ask for that lifestyle back again. I married the most beautiful woman in the world and even grew by three more as I had three children, all crazy and wild boys. But the adventure came to an end with sickness and we as a family decided it was time to return home. It was not easy for us but we knew God had other plans for us and so we followed Him.
Backtracking a bit those plans God had for us He introduced a few years earlier and said He would increase this vision more in the future. That vision was to work with backpackers. Please see the post entry in the archives titled "Prodigal Son Project". There is a short video slide show there explaining our mission.
So coming home we knew God would take us to new places and new work. We were ready to follow Him. Now fast forward a bit and we get to what I am going to share about today. In sharing about this mission we have had very unexpected support in its goals and purpose, to reach backpackers with the gospel. We have been encouraged by the prayers and comments people have shared with us in our time at home in the states. Overall we were a bit surprised people took to the idea. But in one area we have seen much discouragement, financial support. While in Sudan we never lacked and through many faithful supporters God provided everything we ever needed. God is truly faithful! But this time it is a bit different. While our hope was to be moving by this summer it seems now as to not be the case. We have not yet reached the amount we need in monthly support to begin our visa applications so we will not be leaving when we planned.
When talking about this we know God works in everything to better us and help us grow. He has people wait on His timing for a reason. To everything there is a time and a season. We know this and we are desperately praying for God's direction as we are at a loss. God is clear, Satan is blurry. If there is confusion then it is the works of the enemy. And this time of uncertainty is a bit frightening for us. We have no where to go and nothing that we can do. The mission field is all we know. Our heart is to move forward and reach these backpackers with the gospel but we can not do it without the funds to even go to the country to which God has called us. Every day we are here our hearts yearn more for a place we can not reach for reasons we can not understand. I know I am not speaking a foreign language here. Many of you reading this have had dreams before to do something with your lives. Some may still be dreaming while others have achieved their goal. And I am not talking about a private island where you can retire at 25. Yes that is a dream, one that I have had many times. But you know what dreams I am talking about. You wanted to go on to school and become a doctor, or a teacher, or a fill in the blank. A wife or husband and kids with a house. These things are not bad as God uses them all for His purpose and glory.
For me the dream became one of serving God with my life on distant fields of battle striking at the strongholds of the enemy and taking back what he has stolen. I have lived that dream for six years in Sudan. But now I am stuck. A teacher who has her degree and ends up working at Wal-Mart would probably understand what I am talking about. Does this mean there is defeat? Never!! Our God is the Creator of the world and everything in it. He has won the day and there is no defeat for those who put there trust in Him. But in this world there are times of waiting and longing. The promises of God will never be thwarted or defeated. But the times of waiting can be hard. The ways of the heart are hard to explain as they are feelings, impressions, pictures. Does that mean that we shouldn't try to explain them to each other? Please understand that the sole purpose of this post is to shed some light on the musings and prayers of a longing heart. Triumphant soon, but longing now. And if you have something to say then let us know what is in your heart. I do really care what is in your heart. It is a habit I am trying to grow.
God Bless you and keep you.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
He is risen, just as he needed to be.

Monday, March 28, 2011
"And whose side are you on" asked the young hobbit?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Walking with my God
I have been a christian for many years now. That does not make me any better or any worse than any other just stating a fact. In those years I have grown in considerable ways as every christian is called to do. I have learned much, seen much, and worshiped many different ways, meaning taken part in different denominational worship services. In this journey I have learned much of what it means to walk with my God.
Does this again mean I know more than others? Please understand the point of this post. I am talking of myself, not comparing. I have a saying that I can't remember now if I made it up or if I heard it somewhere but it goes like this, Lord, help me to be better than I was yesterday but worse than I will be tomorrow. The meaning is quite clear, it is just to say that I want to be better every day. I want to achieve a greater heart, greater attitude, greater likeness of my Lord everyday. After all, we are called to be transformed into his likeness.
A journey can take many paths. A journey is not like a vacation, or a trip. The very idea of the word trip seems like a short trip to the store or a trip to grandmas house, but the word journey brings with it the idea of a lengthy travel, a trip if you will of some long duration. To follow Christ is just such a journey.
In my travels I have learned many things. Some of those things I have learned opened my eyes to errors I had in my way of thinking. A fun example is that I could never understand why Peter was warming himself by the fire when they took Jesus but upon spending time in Israel and having a whole day where it did nothing but snow in the heart of Jerusalem I now understand why Peter was warming himself. To change the way you see things or the way you understand things comes with learning. To never change means you know all and are therefore perfect and have no need of God. Yeah, like that will ever happen!
So in such a journey with Christ we are in essence playing follow the leader. We must do all that He does so as to not loose the game. We must run the race with all diligence so as to win the prize. How can we expect that over time we will make right choices apart from following His guiding? We are trying to become more like Him and He consulted with His Father everyday for guidance. He was our example and so we should follow suit.
Raising three very wild boys in this ungodly world I can see the value of living consistently with scripture as my foundation. everyday must be based on scripture. Sadly this is not always the case, but I am trying to be better than I was yesterday right?
I recently learned two new words, Exegesis and Eisegesis. Now exegesis means to read the bible and bring truth from the scriptures, and eisegesis means to read the bible and interpret it based on human experience. Now I may seem naive and I have in fact been called that recently in an Internet discussion board for standing up for young earth creationism but I have always thought that if I approach God's word ready to hear what He has for me to hear then the word of God speaks for itself. I know there are many who will most certainly disagree with me on this line but that is as it is.
So what is walking with my God? Quite simply it is following His every move to the best of my ability to become more like His Son. Looking for His guiding word everyday of my life in order to stay within His will for my life. And talking with Him as a friend to learn more of His life and ways. That is walking with my Lord.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A wee bit of news
Anyways I have a bit of news I would like to share with you all. I would like to share with you about our mission The Prodigal Son Project. Now by now if you check this blog regularly you know all about our mission and its goals. To reach the young travelers of the world with the gospel of Christ. To do this you may also remember that we need to have a house of our own in order to invite the travelers in for a clean and welcoming place to stay where they can feel free to ask about Jesus, or at least experience a nice clean bed and hospitality.
If you remember I put an update on here a while back telling everyone of what we needed to raise in monthly support in order to begin our visa process so we could move over to Scotland by July of this year. I would like to thank all those who have been helping us in this and partnering with us in prayer to see this vision become a reality. But here is the draw back. We have not yet reached our goal of 2,000 dollars of monthly support and that means we are no where near our goal of around 5,000 dollars in regular monthly support.
I have been a missionary on the field for over 6 years. I know the pains of trying to raise support. It goes against anyone who works hard to basically ask people for money to help support them, especially if it is to support not only them but their family as well. Some of you may know of missionary stories where the missionary just prayed and God put it on someones heart to support him or her. Other missionaries however would hold nothing back in letting people know of their needs. Neither is wrong and both are good ways. Sometimes it is a matter of humility to go to someone with your needs and then leave it up to God to move that person's heart.
What am I saying through all of this? Simply this, we need your help. We cannot begin to stress how deeply we believe that God has put this vision in our hearts and we know that the path we are on is where God wants us to be. We ache to share the gospel with these young travelers as well as to be on the mission field again discipleing new believers. But we cannot do this without help. We know that God can move mountains and we are trusting on Him to move in this area of our support. But we are also calling on everyone who is following us to seriously pray and seek God in this. Ask Him what is His will. We thank you all for reading this post and hope that you are well. May God Bless you.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Thoughts on, or after, Valentine's Day
God loves us, and it is plain as the nose on our face. So what is love? Is it a feeling? An emotion, little butterflies in our tummies? Or is it a choice? A choice maybe to love in the hardest times, or even unto death. Jesus Himself told us that there is no greater love than a man laying down his life for his friends.
Is love really love when it must be forced? Think about it. Who has ever loved green beans just because they were told to eat them when they were kids? In fact, unless you always loved green beans, most children I’m sure found it even harder to swallow because they were being forced to like them. See, love is not love unless it is given a choice. God could not create us to automatically love Him and have a perfect love. He would have had little robots to love Him and do what they were programmed but that would not have been the relationship that He created us for. So love must by its very nature have a choice. A choice to either love or not to love. It is this reason that God created us with this choice and it is this reason that we had the choice to make. The sad truth is that Adam chose to rebel and man has chose to disobey our Creator ever since. Look at any 4 year old or teenager for that matter. They are a perfect picture of how we try to rebel against our Father every day. We think we know better when in truth we know nothing.
You see, the story of the bible is a love story. It is God’s love story about His pursuit of His people and their turning from Him. Many say that the God we read of in the Old Testament is a violent, murderous God who wipes out entire people groups on a whim, not a loving God. But is this really an accurate picture? I have seen this argument brought up often on the Internet but always from those who already disbelieve the bible and the God who inspired it. So how should we look at it? The best way is to start at the beginning. When you go to see a new movie you wouldn’t wait till it is half over and then go in to see the rest, you would see it from the beginning. The same is true of a good book. You wouldn’t pick up a mystery novel and start in the middle and read on from there. You would know nothing of the characters and the end would not make sense, so you start with chapter one.
Happy Valentine's Day and God Bless You All.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Comic Book Superheroes

What is the point you ask? It is this. When many of these comic hero wonders were created it was during a time in our history when things were uncertain, people wanted to have someone that could fly in and rescue them, save them from all problems. In the Christopher Reeve Superman we saw him battle Lex Luthor and even turn the whole world around just to save Lois from Death, but in the new one we saw how nothing, not even a convenience store robbery was to small for him to take the time to save. Superman suddenly cared for the everyday joe on the street.

Is the time ripe for our Saviour to be known in His creation again? It would appear so. Will we let the opportunity slip by? I hope not. Will we let our own insecurities keep us from bringing the ultimate saviour to this dying world? It is not about us but about Him, and if Superman can hear them all crying for a saviour, then the true saviour of the world can hear them. It is time to show them not Superman in red and blue spandex, or Batman in his special black armor suit, but Christ in His glory, the empty cross and tomb.
The world is ready and even begging for a saviour, lets show them one.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Remembering...the pain
It is very hard to make understandable the inner ramblings of the heart. they do not come out in nice ordered sentences and paragraphs. My heart was very wounded while serving in Africa. While all are to blame for some actions Satan is the real cause behind all evil. I made many mistakes... many. It has been hard to grasp the forgiveness extended to me by my Father, harder still to extend it to those who hurt me. Have you ever seen the movie Braveheart and looked into the eyes of William Wallace when he discovers Robert the Bruce's betrayal? I know that feeling. It was hard to leave Sudan, almost like I was retreating. But God told me it was time for the sake of my own life, and that of my family. Sudan almost claimed my life physically, spiritually, emotionally, and in the end it would have also been the life of my family. God saved our lives in a very real sense. Was I bitter...yes. Am I bitter...not anymore. Those people were and still are my family. I pray blessing on them and I wish the best for them. But it was not just the arguments, insults, mistrust, accusations, or insults that lead to such pain, I lost something very close, closer to me than I knew it to be at the time.
Some of you have heard of Isaiah, some of you have not. He was a little boy that was introduced very briefly into our lives. He was an HIV positive baby, and he had an older sister named Rose. At the time we(me and Lia) felt that as we stayed in Sudan we would adopt these two kids once we had a house and take care of them. While they were with us another girl visiting the base at the time was taking care of Isaiah and loving him like a son. But she was not to stay and what would happen to him after that. We figured we would take him. It was not to be. While on leave in Uganda all of us as a family were sick our whole week there and that is when we heard God tell us it was time to go. What?! But looking back it was. What of Isaiah? It was time for him to go too. Shortly after our decision we got the news of his passing to be with his Creator. Forever healed of a mistake that was not even of his own doing. And while his sister is now left alone she is in a home where she is loved and free from the burden of a child that was not hers to bear. She took it patiently and may God bless her for the lost years of love spent watching her brother. and from what i have hear He is. But that does not ease the pain of losing one whom I regard as my son.
How do you pick up the threads of an old life? Simple, you don't even try, for it is impossible. My life is forever changed and I can either run from the pain, or learn from it. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. I have made my choice....
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
The Prodigal Son (Backpacker) Project
The Prodigal Son Project is a new vision that God has given us. The basic idea is this, to reach young travelers in Europe and ultimately the world with the gospel of Christ there by sending out more traveling missionaries to spread that same gospel to the ends of the earth fulfilling the Great Commission.
Our plan on doing this is to invite these young weary travelers into our home, which will be in Scotland, and having them stay with us. While in our home they will hear the gospel as well as seen it lived out in a day to day basis. They will have a warm and inviting home atmosphere where they can feel free to stay as long as they want and discuss about God, Jesus, life, or anything else they may want to talk about. Backpackers are generally quite open to discussions on religion and we will use this to bring in the gospel. Those that accept Christ will be welcome to stay with us for discipleship and rest to build on their new foundation if they choose. If they wish to move on they will be given whatever tools we can provide, such as a bible, to keep them in the right path as they continue their travels. Hopefully and with God's blessing they will spread their new found faith as they travel and in this way continue to spread the gospel to other areas. This is the goal of the Prodigal Son Project.
Now where are we in seeing this goal? Well right now we are in the USA preparing ourselves to move to Scotland to work with/under YWAM there. YWAM, or Youth With A Mission, is a non-denominational missionary organization. We will be with the YWAM base there for about six months and then move on from there to a small town in the north called Oban. Right now we are facing some challenges. The first is support, we need to have around 4-5,000 a month in regular support raised to pay for the cost of living in Scotland as well as to pay for our plane tickets and visas. We actually need this support before we can even begin processing our visas. and two we will eventually need our own home. As you can guess the cost of houses in the UK are not cheap.
Our prayer and plea is this, that you would pray and ask the Lord to guide you in some way to help us. If it be prayer only we would not be disappointed. A soldier can have everything he needs to attack the enemy, but with out the land ahead prepared through offshore bombardment he can not win. Only with a pre-emptive strike can he succeed. Without prayer we can do nothing. If the Lord should lead you to give we would be greatly pleased as again a soldier can have all the pre-attack he can, but without ammunition for his gun or food for his stomach, he will not survive. We too need the finances to help with everyday expenses. However if the Lord leads you to give just a one time gift that will be thankfully accepted as well. A very necessary part of our ministry is that we own our home in the UK but being expensive we need to raise the money for purchasing a house. All such one time gifts would go towards that house.
I am putting on here information on where to send support if the Lord should lead you in such a way. The address is ACI Int. P.O. Box 1131 Clifton, CO 81520 Checks can be made out to ACI International. With the check enclose a letter stating that it is "preferenced for BIE", do not put our name anywhere on the check.
Again, thank you for taking the time to read this and we thank you for your prayers. For a sideshow and more info on our mission please see our earlier post in the blog archives on the right side of the page and click on "2010" and then on "May". Thank you so much.